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Monday, December 21, 2015

Digital Marketing Consultancy for Businesses & Startups

Marketing a start up company on a low budget

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Search Engine Optimization for Real Estate Agents Website?

Real Estate SEO is the essence of lead generation in the home selling industry. With our essential SEO services, we will help you in advertising and branding your real estate business. In order to establish your website's position, we recommend that you choose our real estate search engine optimization (SEO) services and stay ahead of your competitors and Maximum ROI.
Our real estate SEO and marketing services will:

    Increase qualified leads from both sellers and buyers
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If you are one of the Real Estate Company owner or Real estate website in India or overseas who are looking to SEO & Digital marketing services to tap right customers and increase brand value. Sign up the inquiry form and our SEO expert will get in touch with shortly

Monday, December 7, 2015

Advanced Digital Marketing Training Program Course

Advanced Digital Marketing Training Program Course Week End class..
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Sunday, November 29, 2015

What are the best ways to drive traffic to a website?

Increase hits on your website so that google can rank your page
Will we approach the Black Hat Strategy or the White hat. Which one is the best

These platforms would all be beneficial for your specified blog. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • On Facebook: keep your updates short & your images big
  • Facebook & Twitter: Inlcude a short quote from your blog post with a link to the appropriate article
  • Facebook & Twitter: Ask a question related to your topic/industry
  • All platforms: Share how-to articles or lists on lifestyle
  • Twitter: Include statistics & hashtags
  • Pinterest: Use visually appealing & clear images
  • Pinterest: Use the new article pins

Monday, November 2, 2015

Website Content Planning

What Website Material Do You Need?
Organise Your Content Into Sections
Try To Get A Few People Working On The Content
Who Is My Target Market?
What Will My Customers Need To See In Order To Choose Us?
Prices On My Website
You Need Good Photos
Inspect Your Competitors Websites
You Don't Need Everything On Day One
Use A Document Sharing System  

Find more in detail

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

bangalore property blogger

Post your article and property details on this blog:

Real Estate Consultancy Services

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7 Keys to Local SEO for Real Estate Marketing
Real Estate Keywords - Find SEO & Google AdWords
Real Estate SEO | Search Engine Optimization

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Monday, October 19, 2015

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Online Advertising

Email marketing Pay Per Click Media planning and buying Interactive ads Ad Delivery Engine

Social Media Marketing

Facebook Advertising LinkedIn Advertising Polls and contests Social Apps Content strategy

Website Tracking & data Analytics

Google analytics Sales tools Customer Segmentation and funneling Lead Nurturing

Mobile Advertising

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Conversion Tools

Call tracking Cloud IVR Live chat tool Click to call Form Builder

Web Application Development

Responsive websites Landing page design Custom CMS Cookie tracking

Communication Design

A/B Testing Behavioural Analysis Funnel tools

Friday, October 16, 2015

Tips To Increase Website Traffic

Content Is King

    Write eye-catching headlines.
    Write excellent content — make a name for blog as a source of informative, useful, funny, entertaining, or inspiring articles.
    Write longer posts — expand on your content, fill out your blog posts and create truly epic content.
    Write shorter posts — follow Seth Godin’s example with short but sweet posts.
    Write more often — the more content you can produce, the better.
    Blog on a consistent schedule so your readers know when to expect new content.
    Write list blog posts — they get more traffic than any other kind of post.
    Write about current news stories.
    Write about topics trending on Twitter and in Google trends.
    Search forums in your niche to see what people are talking about and write an article about it.
    Ask your readers what they’d like you to write about.
    Write about something controversial and start a debate.
    Use link bait techniques to write content that promotes massive sharing.
    Explore your analytics, find out which is your most popular content and create more of the same.
    Interview influential people in your niche/industry.
    Create a “best blogs” list post and let the bloggers know you’ve included them — a bit of flattery can go a long way.

Enhance With Multimedia

    Use eye-catching photos and graphics to draw attention to your posts.
    Create Pinterest-friendly graphics with text on top of images to encourage people to pin your posts.
    Create an interesting infographic and share it with everyone you can think of.
    Upload videos to YouTube and Vimeo — make sure a link to your site is in the description and the video.
    Produce a podcast and distribute it through iTunes.
    Convert some of your content into a presentation and upload it to SlideShare.
    Host or take part in a webinar.
    Transcribe your videos and webinars for extra content.

Be Social

    Create a Facebook page for your blog. Use it to communicate with your readers and post a notification every time you publish a new blog article.
    Tweet all your posts when you publish them.
    Link to your posts on your Google+ page when you publish them.
    Use social media scheduling software like Buffer to post automatically on social media at the best times of the day.
    Link to your old posts periodically from your social media accounts.
    Join a collaborative Pinterest board and tap into the audiences of all the other bloggers pinning to that board.
    Regularly pin images from other sites. The more you pin, the more followers you’ll attract on Pinterest. Make sure your blog address is in your profile!
    Create a Tumblr blog and add content related to your niche as well as re-blogging content from your own site.
    Set up an Instagram account and tell your followers when you publish a new post.
    Comment on other blogs with insightful, useful comments.
    Link out to other bloggers generously.
    Share others’ posts on Facebook and retweet useful information to your readers.
    Reach out to other bloggers through their blog, by email or on social media — build relationships.
    Follow all the followers of other influential bloggers in your niche on Twitter.
    Include social sharing buttons on all your posts.
    Swap sidebar links and buttons with other sites.
    Include quotable phrases in your content and use Clicktotweet to encourage sharing on Twitter.
    Encourage engagement on your blog by ending your posts with a question.
    Link to all your posts with StumbleUpon.
    Add some of the users Twitter recommends you to follow every day — a percentage will follow you back.
    Reply to your comments and emails — show your readership that you’re interested in what they have to say
    Join blogger Facebook groups and communities to share knowledge and help to promote each other’s content.
    Create a LinkedIn profile with a link to your blog and contribute to groups and discussions in your field.
    Submit your best posts to Digg and Reddit.
    Add your favorite blogs to your blogroll — they’ll notice and may return the favor.
    Ask your blogger friends to include you in their blogroll.
    Collaborate with other bloggers to produce and share content.

Guest Posting And Link Building

    Guest post on other blogs — try pitching to one new blog every week.
    Include a link to your blog in every single online profile you have.
    Set up a free blog related to your niche with supplementary content on Blogger, Livejournal, Typepad etc. and reference back to your main blog.
    Invite others to guest post on your blog — they’ll send traffic your way when they link to the post.
    List your blog in as many free blog directories as you can find.
    Do interviews for other blogs.
    Take part in link parties and blog carnivals.
    Include your blog’s URL in your email signature.
    Post helpful information in forums related to your niche and include your blog’s URL in your signature.
    Post helpful articles on sites like Hubpages and Squidoo with links back to your blog.
    Submit articles to syndicated article directories like Ezine Articles. If your article is re-published on another blog you’ll benefit from extra links.
    Write and syndicate a press release linking back to your blog.
    Use a link inspection tool like Open Site Explorer to find where your competitors are getting links from and copy them.
    Add your blog to Technorati.
    Syndicate your blog on Amazon Kindle.


    Interlink your blog posts — link to old posts from new ones and edit old posts to link to more recent ones.
    Install a related content plugin to link each post to several other related posts.
    Use keyword research tools to write about the things that many people are searching for.
    Install an SEO plugin like All in One SEO Pack or the Yoast SEO plugin and optimize your site for search engines.
    Use relevant keywords in your image file names and alt tags.
    Use keywords in your post title and subheadings.
    Link out to authority sites in your niche.
    Set up Google authorship on your blog.

E-books And Freebies

    Run a blog giveaway or competition.
    Put an opt-in form on your website and send out a free newsletter.
    Publish an e-book and sell it or offer it for free on Amazon Kindle. Make sure your web address is in the first 10% of the book so it shows up in the sample.
    Write an e-book and offer a generous affiliate commission to encourage others to distribute it and link to your site.
    Create a free report and get site visitors to tweet or post about your site on Facebook to access it
    Offer a free e-course or digital product and encourage your readers to tell people about it.

Offline Ideas

    Include your blog’s URL on your printed business cards and give them out to everyone you meet.
    Attend blogging conferences and networking events — distribute your business cards!
    Speak at conferences and special events.
    Tell your friends and family about your blog.

Other Miscellaneous Ideas

    Enter blogging competitions — your blog will usually be promoted on the website hosting the competition and social media for free.
    Answer questions on Yahoo! Answers and leave a link to your website.
    Ping your blog posts with a tool like Pingomatic.
    Create a WordPress theme and include a link to your site in the footer.
    Choose a beautiful theme for your blog.
    Review products and share your content with brands. They may link to your site from their social media accounts
    Ask a bigger blogger to be your mentor and start a case study about improving your blog.
    Submit photographs to free stock photography sites and Flickr and ask for a credit link back to your site.
    Include a link to your RSS feed.
    Include links to read your blog via Bloglovin‘.
    Link to your best and most popular posts from your sidebar.
    Go back to old posts and edit them to update and improve them from time to time
    Optimize your website for viewing on mobile devices.
    Include different ways to access your content such as category and date archives
    Include a search function on your blog.
    Create an app for iPhone or Android.
    Be helpful and be nice — be likeable and help to solve people’s problems and they will send traffic your way with no encouragement required.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Learn Search Engine Optimization the Easy Way

SEO Course Details

Lectures: 50Hrs

Search Engine Optimization Course:

On-Page Optimization
Off-Page Optimization
Site Foundation
SEO for WordPress
Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird Updates

Introduction to SEO
10,000 Foot View: What's Important in SEO
On-Page Optimization
Keyword Research
Searcher Intent
Importance of Synonyms
Title Tags
Meta Description Tags
Heading Tags
ALT Tags
Body Copy
Internal Linking
Off-Page Optimization
Simple Rules for Link Building
Criteria for a Good Link
Synthetic vs Natural Links
More Thoughts on Links
No-Follow vs. Do-Follow
Recovering From Bad Links
Creating a Great Resource
Link Building Tactics
Advanced Link Building Q&A Session
Technical Optimization
Age of Domain
Duplicate Content
301 Redirects
Canonical Tags
Not in the index?
www vs. non-www
Site Speed XML Sitemaps
Competitive Link Evaluation
Social Media
Reputation Management
SEO for Wordpress
International SEO
Local SEO
Mobile SEO
Pick a .com
Panda Update
Penguin Update
Secure Search
Authorship Markup
Hummingbird Update
Tools & Services
Startup SEO Audit 1/3
Startup SEO Audit 2/3
Startup SEO Audit 3/3

Friday, September 25, 2015

Search for products and services for your business

Marketing Promotion Plan

Advertising & PR Agencies
Call Centers & Customer Care
Creative Marketing Services
Data Management
Direct Mail Production
Email Marketing

Event Marketing
Gift Card Solutions
Integrated Agencies
Internet Marketing
Loyalty Marketing Solutions
Marketing Consulting Firms

Marketing Research
Mobile Marketing Solutions
Sales Leads & List Services
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Social Media Marketing
Trade Show Design & Promotional Products

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

How to Develop and Work On Your SEO Plan


  Before I begin explaining the SEO checklist which goes into making an effective SEO plan for the successful marketing for any business, let me give you an introduction of SEO. It stands for Search Engine Optimization, which means optimizing a website as per the guidelines defined by major search engines like Google, Bing & Yahoo, so that a website can perform better in those search engines and come up higher on the search engine listing page for certain sets of keywords searched on them by a user.

Smart SEO Checklist

The SEO checklist I’m defining here is the sets of tasks that every SEO developer need to keep in mind right from the beginning of a website development. This checklist should have a certain hierarchy maintained so that search engines treat a website as a flawless (or as flawless as it can be) entity and provide it a better place among thousands of other competitor websites.

Now let’s focus on the checklist which I’m going to split in two parts: On-page SEO and Off-page SEO.
On-page SEO Checklist

The On-page SEO is still divided into three parts with respect to different stages of web development mentioned below:

    Pre Web Development

        Business Analysis and Research

        Competitor Business Analysis

        Keyword Analysis and Research

    During Web Development

        SEO Friendly URL Generation

        Robots.txt File Creation & Implementation

        Content Creation with Correct Keyword Density

        Meta & Image Alt Tags Implementation

    Pre Website Launch

    Google Webmaster and Analytic Code Implementation

    301 Redirect for Canonical URL’s

    Sitemap.xml Implementation
    Business Analysis and Research

The first thing that is required to understand client business is the thorough analysis and research of client business without which other SEO tasks can’t be implemented correctly. The main important task SEO developer need to understand are what is client business, Geolocation for his business and end users to client business.
Competitor Business Analysis

Before targeting specific keywords for the client, there is a strong need to first analyze the top 3 competitors of client which help to determine what are the main keywords competitors are targeting, what is the design architecture they are focusing on and finally what are the top websites from where they are getting anchor backlinks.
Keyword Analysis and Research

It is one of the core SEO task which is the basic building block to get a website on top position on SERP. Lack in proper keyword research may lead to poor reputation of a website for some specific keywords chosen during keyword research. So keywords should be chosen after a deep research on client business.
SEO Friendly URL Generation

SEO friendly URL generation helps to make a website URL easy to understand by visitors and create more chance of getting clicked, as visitors also read the URL content while browsing on search engine for the searched query.
Robots.txt File Creation and Implementation

Robots.txt file is an important file that tell web robots which web pages to crawl(read) or not. And during the time of development, a robots.txt file need to be implemented which tells the robot, not to crawl the draft web pages of the website. If it’s not done then there are chances that draft site web pages may get crawled and indexed on Google’s database. If it happened then it implies a bad impact on website reputation, so this task need to be done on time.
Content Creation with Correct Keyword Density

Content creation practice should be done with the use of correct keyword density as per defined by the major search engines like Google. A web-page content which is specifically written for users and has keyword density of around 1% is considered to be SEO friendly content.
Meta and Image Alt tags Implementation

Meta tags play a vital role in keyword rank positions for the desired business keywords, so meta tags which include meta title & description should contain primary keywords that are describing the web-page’s content. Apart from this image alt tags are important too, as Google reads image tags also.
Google Webmaster and Analytic Code Implementation

Just before website live, a website need to have Google Webmaster and Analytic Code Implemented, so that website errors and important stats can be monitored easily.
301 Redirection for Canonical URL’s

Before live, it is also important to put a 301 redirect on different versions of URL’s to one main URL so that Google do not treat different versions of URL as different URL and penalize due to content duplicacy.
Sitemap.xml Implementation

Sitemap.xml implementation is also important as it makes the crawling and indexing of web-pages more easier on search engines. So, it need to be done at final stage of website live.
Off-page SEO Checklist

The successful off-page SEO work plan involves Link Building that need to be considered after website live is segregated into four parts which include directory submission, content marketing, video optimization and social media marketing. Let’s have a look on all these tasks separately:

Directory Submissions

    Search Engine Submissions

    Manual Directory Submissions

    Niche & Local Business Submissions

    Forums Posting

    Social Bookmarking Submissions

    Blog Submissions

    Classified Ads Posting

Content Marketing

    SEO Friendly Article Marketing

    Press Release Marketing

    Doc, PPT & PDF Marketing

Video Optimization

    New released optimization of Youtube Videos with proper Title, Description, Keywords.

    Publishing Videos on top video sharing websites like dailymotion, metacafe, vimeo, myspace, etc.)

Social Media Marketing

    Daily updating, sharing, commenting on major Social Media accounts (Facebook, Google Plus, linkedin, Pinterest, etc.)

    Joining & creating communities related to your business and updating things there.

    Creating account on social media community websites related to your business and will promote your business there.

All these off-page SEO plan require a strategic approach for successful business promotion. Hopefully, I will share the detailed information about these off-page SEO plans in future with thorough analysis on each and every aspect of these tasks.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Site Analyzer: Website Analysis and SEO Tools

Site Analyzer: Website Analysis and SEO Tools

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Free press release

Free Press Release Distribution Sites - Free release distribution with ad-support - Free distribution, paid services gives you better placement and permanent archiving. - Distributs to sites like Google News and, Gold level will also get you to sites like LexisNexis. - Focuses on ecommerece and requires you include an image, 3 keywords and links. - Free distribution company with offices in 12 states. - Easy press release distribution for free, more features for paid accounts. - Distributes your release, offers a web page with one keyword link to your site. Pro upgrade will give you three links, permanent archiving and more. - Allows for free distribution to sites and search engines, premium membership differs only slightly in adding in graphics. - All the usual free distribution tools, premium service includes logo, product picture and more. - Not only will they distribute your press releases, but you can also set up a full company profile. - Ad supported press distribution site. - European-based free press release distribution site. - Completely free distribution to search engines, news sites, and blogs. - Distribute your press release with a free or paid version, others can vote it up ala Digg style. - Not only distributes your release, but attempts to teach you how to write one, and even offers downloadbale samples for you to work with. - Submit your release for free and get on their front page and the category of your choice. - A free press release service formatted as a blog. - Free press release distribution no matter what, but extra services based on the size of your contribution. - Free distribution to search engines, newswires, and RSS feeds. Fee based bumps get you better placement. - Free distribution to Google News and other other search engines. - Gives free distribution for plain formatted releases, fees for HTML-coded releases.

Friday, July 31, 2015

The Roadmap for your SEO success features

The Roadmap for your SEO success features

    Keyword Research

Targeting the right keywords will amplify the results of your SEO campaign, providing targeted visitors that are more likely to convert into customers.

    Ranking Report

We look at where you currently rank for your target keywords. This helps plan future efforts and identify the easy wins.

    Website Traffic Report

Benchmarking your current website traffic helps track SEO success and identify the best sources of quality traffic.

    Competitor Report

Identify the top ranking websites for your keywords to discover what they do well and beat them at it!

    SEO Content Plan

We help you complete an SEO data form to capture your business information and marketing content to use throughout your SEO campaign.

    SEO Package Recommendations

Each business is different, so we recommend a series of SEO strategies that will give you the best return on investment, from local SEO to content marketing.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Beginner website links for digital marketing

Important links to follow on website :


SEO Tool

Check your Google index status

See indexed pages in your site

Use the site: operator, like this: (Note: Don't use a space between the operator and the URL.)

You can perform the search on a whole domain or limit it to a certain subdomain or subdirectory—for example,

To exclude pages from your search, use a minus sign before the operator. For example, the search gives you all the indexed pages on the domain without the pages from

Email id searching on google "*@company name name"

click here url to google link 

How to search in google

When searching for information on the Internet, many people simply enter a search term in Google and keep changing it until they eventually find a suitable website. But this might not be the best way of finding the results you are looking for quickly.

There are techniques you can apply to save time and find better information when searching on Google. What’s more, most of them easy to use and take up very little time. After you learn to apply these expert search tips, useful and relevant links will appear on the first page of Google faster and with less effort.

But these tips are not just for finding your local takeaway!

These search modifiers are key to finding local directories, niche forums, blogs for commenting, and many other link building opportunities to grow your website traffic.
1. Exact Phrases

To search for specific sentences or phrases, put quotes around them. Google will prioritise search results that contain the quoted words in the same order. This tip proves very useful when searching for specific model names or book titles and will ensure that the results returned contain no filler.

Example: “Adaptive web design” book
2. Exclude Words

You can refine your searches by entering certain symbols directly before specific words. A minus symbol (-) will exclude a word from results and a tilde (~) will instruct Google to find results with similar words in them.

Example: “Google ranking” -Adwords
3. Filters

Google offers several filters that automatically find certain types of content. To limit your search to things like maps, products or news, use the links on the sidebar to the left of the search results. Click “More” to see options like “Blogs” and “Recipes.”
4. Search Tools

The same sidebar has a “Show search tools” link; click it to reveal some additional options. One function lets you restrict results by the date of publication. For example, you could choose to only view information about “link building” that has been published during the past month.
5. Number Ranges

You may also search for webpages that refer to numbers in a certain range, such as years. Just enter two four-digit years with two periods in between them.

Example: “computers 1978..1983″
6. File Type

Another search modifier allows you to restrict results to a specific type of file. To use it, add “filetype:” and a file extension to your search.

Example: Sharp EL-6750 manual filetype:pdf
7. Logic Operators

Don’t bother using the plus symbol or the “AND” operator on Google; it automatically uses them. To make an exception to this, put “OR” between a set of two words.

Example:”website design Melbourne OR Geelong”
8. Dictionary Definitions

Wondering exactly what a word means? Just enter “define:” followed by the word. Google will become your personal dictionary.

Example: define:blog
9. Calculator

If you need to do some quick calculations, Google will display the results in the search window. You can use all the common operators +-*/ and brackets ().

Example: (1024 – 64)*4
10. Specific Website

Our final expert search tip enables you to find pages on a specific website. At the end of your Google search query, add “site:” and a domain name.

Example: thunderstorms

Hopefully a few of these tips will help you get even more use from Google. Have some tips of your own? Please share them in the comments below.


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

How to Build Social Media Into Your Content Marketing

How to Craft a Successful ROI digital marketing plan ( Content marketing)

Download:Media Planing for content marketing

How to Build Social Media Into Your Content Marketing
How to Build an Unbeatable Content Marketing Plan
How to Create a Content Marketing Strategy
Content marketing plan examples

Monday, July 20, 2015

Digital marketing Vs Internet marketing

Digital Marketing VS Internet Marketing – What is the latest trend?

Digital Marketing:

Digital marketing is a broad term that describes a set of marketing processes that utilize all available digital channels to promote a product or service or build a digital brand.  Digital marketing has come to succeed traditional marketing and the transition from paper and newspaper ads to Facebook and PPC campaigns.

The channels that make up digital marketing include: Web sites, Social media platforms, Banner placement, email marketing, mobile marketing, SEO, pay per click campaigns, Web TV, SMS, billboards and anything else with a digital foundation.

Internet Marketing:

Internet marketing is a subset of digital marketing. It is in fact the most important component since the majority of digital marketing activities fall within the boundaries of Internet marketing. We will see below how digital marketing budgets are spent and their relationship with Internet marketing.

The major channels of Internet Marketing are:

Web site – Either a personal website or a corporate website or even a personal blog hosted on a shared platform (like WordPress or Tumblr). For many campaigns a website is the starting point and the destination i.e. you run a digital marketing campaign to promote a website (starting point) with the purpose of getting more visitors (destination).

Search Marketing (SEM) – Search Marketing is the basis of Internet Marketing and consists of two important activities, SEO and PSA. There is a lot of confusion about these terms that’s why I wrote separate posts explaining the difference:

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Great marketing starts with great data

To achieve best sales target required Data+Marketing = Sales:

Successful marketing starts with accurate and actionable data. And the role of marketing in today’s B2B organizations is expanding to use data in more ways to better support (drive) your company’s revenue and customer acquisition goals.
This is especially true when it comes to understanding the target market and creating programs that engage with the right decision-makers at the right companies.

Better segmentation: Having complete company and contact records gives you more options for segmenting your market.
Narrowing your focus and tightening your programs facilitates an experience that feels one-to-one for your target buyers – driving engagement and accelerating their path down the funnel.

Improved targeting:  Surrounding your marketing data with behavioral insights and company intelligence helps you deliver more targeted, timely messaging.
The more relevant the message, the better your chances for stronger conversion rates.

Clear, more focused buyer personas: The more information you have, the more success you’ll have building buyer personas and defining your customers’ needs based core objectives.
Quality data helps marketers understand where their sweet-spots really are and better uncover insights about their ideal prospects.  

Monday, July 13, 2015

Digital Marketing Mistakes Every Startup Entrepreneur Should Avoid

1.Startup Entrepreneurs have No Clear Digital Marketing Plan

Everyone knows the importance of digital marketing in today’s age. Yet many startup entrepreneurs do not have a clear plan to take advantage of enormous opportunities lying in the digital world. According to survey , “50% of businesses surveyed do not have a defined digital plan or strategy, although they are active in digital marketing.”

An effective digital marketing strategy will not only help you in taking right decisions at critical time but also offers you a planned approach in making your startup successful. It also provides you a framework that will propel your brand forward and provides return on investment (ROI).

For creating an effective digital marketing strategy, you need to follow the following steps:

Define your audience
Create buyer personas
Develop brand message
Generate marketing ideas
Choose right platform
Create compelling online properties
Attract prospective leads
Measure and evaluate

Digital Marketing without a strategy is like driving without a steering wheel.

2. Low Budget

Do you know some startups self-destruct by allocating low budget for digital marketing? There is a common saying that “‘you have to spend money to make money.” The great use of money is to invest carefully on appropriate technology, talent and marketing channels that can pay high dividends in the future.

Sometimes, many startup entrepreneurs spend enormous amount of money on unnecessary tools and application, when there are already free alternative that are more powerful and useful than paid ones.

Take MailChimp for example, which provides up to 2,000 subscribers and 12,000 email credits free of cost. You need to neither sign contract nor fill credit card details. Everything is free forever.

3. Combining Offline and Online Marketing

When traditional marketing is combined with modern marketing, it will allow your startup to deliver consistent message across multiple channels and connect with your target customers with more types of media than ever.

Don’t consider these department as separate entities. They are same – working for the similar goal but on different battlefields.

Take an example of recent branding campaign of, whose mission statement was ‘lookup’. They touched almost every channel whether it is online or offline. It was grand and extremely successful campaigns.

Pratik, CMO of says, “the whole idea of this initial marketing campaign is to not just sell but build a deeper relationship with our customers,” he continued.

4. Choosing Wrong Team
Since there is already enormous talent gap in digital marketing industry, many startups fails to hire appropriate candidate for their digital marketing department.

According to Bill Aulet, managing director of the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship, “The wrong team is the single costliest error entrepreneurs make, resulting in not only lost income and time but depleted morale.”

So, startup entrepreneurs should have right mix of digital marketing team, which should not only have appropriate skills and talent but also zeal and passion to work with startups.

For properly attracting and converting your target audience from the day one, you should hire certified professionals that can design customized and effective digital marketing strategy that will help your startup grow without breaking the bank.

5. Focusing on Multiple Social Media Platforms Simultaneously

Many startup entrepreneurs try to focus on several marketing platforms altogether, which will result in poor execution of messaging across channels and often convert them into ghost towns. This will lead to poor brand messaging, brand engagement and brand interaction.

Instead, it is wise to select one or two social media platforms and try to understand its community and audience. Research which platform is appropriate for your startup and where your target audience hang out. For example, professionals spend their time on LinkedIn while Pinterest is jam-packed with women.

Once you select a platform, connect with influencers in your industry. Add value to the industry by spending time and effort as much as possible to become industry expert in your niche.

6. Ignoring Mobile
As a startup entrepreneur, you should always look out for new ways of reaching your target audience. Mobile is the next big thing. Mobile devices like smartphones and tablets have already replaced desktop computers. More than 50% of emails are opened on mobile devices.

So, while performing search engine marketing or display advertising, target mobile devices for maximum reach and brand awareness. Even responsive websites have added advantages in SEO because Google and other search engines loves responsive and rank them higher in pages when searches are made on mobile devices.

7. Focusing Too Much on Search Engines

Many SEOs spend enormous amount of time in optimizing website for Google and other search engines. If ever your website is penalized in any algorithm update, all your efforts and money will be wasted. Instead, try to focus on creating valuable and interesting content for people.

If people like it, they will definitely share it with their community. Search engines detect social signals and rank your website higher in search results. You can even plan and optimize for Bing and Yahoo, after all they have 30% share in search engine traffic.

8. Failure to Track and Measure

Many startup entrepreneurs promote their products and services on various platforms and do not set up tracking systems. It will become hard to know which marketing channels are sending you traffic, which converts more and which is most engaging.

Even if they are tracking, they fail to measure their digital marketing efforts. There are tons of tools like Google Analytics, Crazy Egg, etc., which provides great amount of detailed metrics. All you need to do is gather actionable insights and reports from raw data and measure the effective of your campaigns. Marketing without analytics is dead end approach or throwing money down the drain.

9. Using Copyright Images

“Copyright law protects any original creation, and grants the holder of the copyright exclusive control over when, how, and by whom their work may be copied, distributed, or exhibited.”

People spend enormous amount of time, money and effort in creating images and you just use them for your commercial purpose. This is not wise. Even image copyright laws can screw you over and copyright infringement penalties are ridiculous.

Instead, use your own photos or subscribe to stock photo network like Shutter Stock or Image Bazaar, which are cheaper than ever and you can use it for any purpose whether it is for print media or website banner.

10. No Videos

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a thousand images. Zappos, one of the best ecommerce stores in the world started posting videos on its product pages along with images, which resulted in increased in sales between 6% to 30%.

Social media platforms like YouTube, InstaGram, facebook,linkedin etc. provides incredible opportunity for startup entrepreneurs to promote valuable and relevant videos to their target audience.

Entrepreneurs, who haven’t included video marketing in their digital marketing strategy will surely going to miss out the golden opportunity of growing their brand across borders.

Friday, July 10, 2015

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Sociomantic Labs, a dunnhumby company, provides programmatic display advertising solutions for online, mobile and social. The company’s proprietary Streaming CRM technology allows the world’s leading advertisers to harness the value of their CRM and other first-party data assets to deliver individually personalized, dynamic ads for the full funnel. This results in broader reach, more new customers and increased loyalty of existing customers. Sociomantic has been profitable since its founding in Berlin in 2009 and has grown organically to more than 250 employees serving over 70 countries across six continents today.

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Vserv is a leading mobile marketing platform that delivers smart data led results to marketers, telcos, app developers and data partners. Powered by its award winning market first technologies and 500 million + unique user profiles, the company drives engaging mobile experiences for the emerging billion mobile internet users.

Founded in 2010, Vserv is backed by IDG Ventures, Maverick Capital & Epiphany Ventures. The company has a global footprint with offices across USA, UK, South Africa, India, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines & Vietnam. For more details visit


AdzMedia is an ad network started with single goal to help advertisers reach their aspired audience and monetization of inventory from publisher.

It is serving 6 billion ad banners each month with help from Mobile Web/App Developers around the globe.


AppNexus is a technology company that provides trading solutions and powers marketplaces for Internet advertising. Its open, unified, and powerful programmatic platform empowers customers to more effectively buy and sell media, allowing them to innovate, differentiate, and transform their businesses. As the world’s largest independent ad tech company, AppNexus is led by the pioneers of the web’s original ad exchanges. Headquartered in New York City with 21 global offices, AppNexus employs more than 750 of the brightest minds in advertising and technology who believe that advertising powers the Internet. For more information, follow us at @AppNexus or visit us at

Monday, July 6, 2015

Top 3 Marketing Strategies for New Entrepreneurs

If your are startup business man:

When it comes to starting a business or building an empire, you need to implement a marketing strategy to avoid the undeniable overwhelm. As a seasoned entrepreneur, I've had my share of juggling my own marketing campaigns with daily long to do lists. If you're just getting started, you don't usually have a lot of money to invest in spendy advertising or hiring a publicist. The next best thing for the new entrepreneur is to decide on your marketing style.

The easiest way to begin marketing your talents, is to just get started. Here are my top 3 Marketing Strategies for New Entrepreneurs who are looking to elevate their brand with good marketing.

1) Define your marketing style. I don't see this being talked about much on other websites, but I think it's one of the most important parts of your business. Your marketing style is unique to YOU, no one else. No one can tell you how to market your products and services, but they can help you uncover it. A marketing style will set you apart because it's done in an authentic way. Get to know the real you deep down inside and then use that spiritual part of you to tap into your marketing style. This will surely have you standing out in all your marketing efforts.

2) Make people feel special. Whatever you do, whether you are writing an article, a blog post, a newsletter, or sending out a mass email to your following, always write as if you are talking to one person. That one person is your avatar, or target market profile. Everyone wants to feel special; kinda like a girl on her first date with a man she admires. Make your audience feel special and in return they will help you feel special too. You'll know your marketing efforts are working, when you are getting a lot of warm and fuzzy emails and messages from people thanking you for all that you do. Now, that's good marketing!

3) Own your spotlight. Don't be afraid to email your list regularly or showcase your beliefs in your marketing efforts. People don't like vanilla or people who play it safe. It's only natural to admire those who are owning who they are with zest and charisma. Share your strong opinion about what you don't like or how you enjoy eating cheese puffs while watching The Bachelor. The more you are comfortable being yourself and letting your true self shine through, it's only a matter of time before your tribe discovers you and follows you all the way to the bank.

In closing, marketing isn't cookie cutter. There are always a zillion ways to do things and what works for one marketer may not work for you. Stay true to yourself and your marketing efforts will be fun and truly unique. And the best part-- is you get to be creative and shine your best self to world.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Digital Video Ad Format Guidelines from IAB

In order to simplify the digital video advertising buying and selling process, the Digital Video Committee of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has developed these guidelines and best practices for the most common current in-stream ad formats, including:

    Linear video ads
    Non-linear video ads
    Companion ads

These recommendations have been constructed for these ad formats in order to meet the following marketplace needs:

    More efficient operations through a common set of creative submission guidelines
    More efficient development of ads and players through minimum common creative guidelines, including click functionality and duration definitions
    Easier digital video ad buying across multiple sites through minimum common ad sizes for overlay and companion ads
    Better consumer understanding of ad interactions and environments through best practice recommendations for creative development and player environments

There are three types of recommendations contained in this document for each ad format:

    Ad Format guidelines
    Common creative submission recommendations
    Additional best practices

Publishers will be able to self-attest to the IAB for a compliance seal by adhering to these Ad Format Guidelines.  All other recommendations in this document should be considered best practices and should strongly be considered for adoption, but are not necessary for compliance.
- See more at:

Monday, June 29, 2015

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Making Strategy Work: overcoming the obstacles to effective execution

Strategic Marketing Planning


Strategic Marketing Planning ( TEST BY SELF)

     1.   Which of the following statements best describes the nature of a marketing plan?
It clearly outlines the organization’s mission and vision.
It outlines how the organization will raise capital to finance growth.
It focuses solely on the internal resources needed to develop a marketing strategy.
It clearly outlines the organization’s marketing activities.
All of these statements describe a marketing plan.


     2.   Whether at the corporate, business-unit, or functional level, the planning process always begins with an in-depth:
a statement of goals and objectives.
a situation analysis.
strategy for achieving growth.
statement of the organization’s competitive advantages.
assessment of the organization’s resources.


     3.   When creating a corporate vision statement, organizations are attempting to answer which of the following questions?
What do we want to become?
How can we be the best?
What business are we in?
Who are we and what do we stand for?
What are our competitive advantages?


     4.   Which of the following is one of the five basic questions that a good mission statement should answer?
Who are our competitors?
What are our opportunities?
What is our market position?
Where have we been?
What is our operating philosophy?


     5.   Sears at one time lost sight of its mission and jumped into markets that did not fit its strengths.  This occurred because Sears lacked a mission statement with the appropriate:
strategic fit


     6.   All organizations need a _____, the central scheme for utilizing and integrating resources in the areas of production, finance, research and development, human resources, and marketing to carry out the organization’s mission and achieve desired goals and objectives.
marketing strategy
corporate strategy
cross-functional strategy
corporate mission
cross-functional goal

     7.   When a firm possesses capabilities that allow it to serve customers’ needs better than the competition, the firm is said to have a:
resource advantage
marketing advantage
competitive advantage
relative advantage
value-based advantage


     8.   With respect to developing a marketing plan, what does it mean for a marketing plan outline to be consistent?
The outline should be sufficient to ensure that information is not omitted
The outline should have the ability to be modified to fit the situation
The outline should flow in a logical manner
The outline should have some connection to other functional area plans
The outline should be consistent across firms in the same industry


     9.   In a marketing plan, the executive summary should be a complete but concise overview of the entire marketing plan because:
the executive summary is the most important part of the plan.
the executive summary is the first part of the marketing plan to be written.
most readers of a marketing plan are busy and value condensed information.
the executive summary is the least read part of the marketing plan.
the executive summary does not provide any quantitative information.


   10.   In developing a marketing plan, the section on goals and objectives defines the parameters by which the firm will measure actual performance. In this respect, the goals and objectives section is tied closely to the _____ section of the marketing plan.
SWOT analysis
marketing implementation
evaluation and control
situation analysis
executive summary


   11.   Motorola continuously establishes performance standards and assesses actual performance by comparing it with these standards. Afterwards, Motorola often takes corrective action to reduce any discrepancies. This process is most likely outlined in the _____ section of Motorola’s marketing plan.
evaluation and control
SWOT analysis
marketing strategy
goals and objectives
marketing implementation


   12.   Which of the following IS NOT a purpose of a marketing plan?
It explains the present and future situations of the organization.
It specifies the expected outcomes of the plan.
It describes specific actions that are to take place.
It explains how marketing activities mesh with other functional areas.
It identifies resources needed to carry out the plan.


   13.   While all marketing plans face a number of obstacles in development and implementation, _____ is by far the most commonly occurring obstacle across most firms.
failure to see the whole picture
lack of time for planning
inadequate information
inadequate communication
resistance to change


   14.   In the context of marketing planning, why is it vital that the marketing plan be capable of selling itself to top management?
Because top managers are responsible for executing the marketing plan
Because top managers must be able to evaluate the performance of the marketing program
Because top managers must be able to clearly communicate the strategy to external stakeholders
Because top managers must decide whether the marketing plan is the best use for the organization’s scarce resources
Because top managers are compensated on how well the marketing strategy works


   15.   It is a well-known fact that most American firms focus on short-term results and tend to ignore long-range strategy. Why is this mindset not a good approach when dealing with marketing strategy?
Because many foreign competitors respond to market conditions faster than American firms
Because the results of marketing activities occur over longer planning horizons
Because the short-term results of marketing efforts are always favorable
Because the most innovative firms always take a long-term approach toward marketing strategy
All of the above are valid reasons.


   16.   Focusing on customers has not always been the hallmark of strategic planning. In fact, in the early 20th century, firms tended to focus strictly on _____ rather than on developing relationships with customers.
efficiency and quality
growth and corporate profits
selling products to customers
new product development
marketing research


   17.   _____ firms are those that successfully generate, disseminate, and respond to market information.


   18.   In today’s business environment, firms that truly focus on customers instill a corporate culture that places customers and other stakeholders at the top of the organizational hierarchy. When this occurs, the firm shifts its focus from transactions to _____, and from _____ to collaboration.
market share; competition
value; cooperation
information; rivalry
long-range planning; contracts
relationships; competition


   19.   Many firms have shifted to balanced strategic planning because traditional planning and measurement approaches are not able to capture:
key competitive information to drive marketing planning.
real-time customer satisfaction metrics.
the value created by an organization’s intangible assets.
either internal or external innovation.
real-time financial performance metrics.


   20.   The Balanced Performance Scorecard cautions business leaders to look at strategy and performance through four interrelated perspectives. Which of the following IS NOT one of these perspectives?
Financial Perspective
Learning and Growth Perspective
Customer Perspective
Internal Process Perspective
Vision and Strategy Perspective



     1.   Identify and discuss the five questions that should be answered by a good mission statement. Why do you think some firms have mission statements that do not answer these basic questions?

A well-devised mission statement should answer the same five basic questions:
1.         Who are we?
2.         Who are our customers?
3.         What is our operating philosophy (basic beliefs, values, ethics, etc.)?
4.         What are our core competencies or competitive advantages?
5.         What are our responsibilities with respect to being a good steward of our human, financial, and environmental resources?
A mission statement that delivers a clear answer to each of these questions installs the cornerstone for the development of the marketing plan. If the cornerstone is weak, or not in line with the foundation laid in the preliminary steps, the entire plan will have no real chance of long-term success. In recent years, firms have realized the role that mission statements can play in their marketing efforts. Consequently, mission statements have become much more customer oriented. People’s lives and businesses should be enriched because they have dealt with the organization. A focus on profit in the mission statement means that something positive happens for the owners and managers of the organization, not necessarily for the customers or other stakeholders.

It is likely that most firms have weak mission statements simply out of neglect. Perhaps these firms do not understand the importance of having a solid mission statement. Firms can still be successful if their mission statements do not answer these five basic questions. However, the potential always exists for the firm to step beyond its mission and core competencies.

     2.   Defend or contradict this statement: “The most important aspect of strategic market planning is marketing implementation. Without good implementation, nothing gets accomplished and customers do not receive desired benefits.”

It is difficult to contradict this statement. However, students must realize that implementation occurs on two fronts: externally with markets and customers and internally with employees. It is obvious that external implementation is vital to the success of the strategy—even if the strategy is flawed. In Chapter 1, the text describes how there are very few rules in marketing. Hence, a bad strategy could prove to be correct by the time it is implemented. However, poor implementation is always a key reason for marketing failure.

Internally, good implementation is essential for getting things done. All marketing plans, when executed, have repercussions both inside and outside the firm. Even seemingly disconnected events in finance or human resources can have an effect on the firm’s ultimate customers—the individuals and businesses that buy the firm’s products. The short answer is that the firm must rely on its people to implement the strategy. Hence, good implementation will always consider the effects of the strategy on employees.

     3.   Explain how and why the process of developing a marketing plan might be more important than the marketing plan document itself. What are the benefits of the planning process irrespective of the actual outcomes of the process?

The key to the benefits of the planning process is communication, which is vital for synchronizing actions within the firm. As stated in the quote in Chapter 2:

            “the process of preparing the plan is more important than the document
            itself. . . . A marketing plan does compel attention, though. It makes the
            marketing team concentrate on the market, on the company’s objectives,
            and on the strategies and tactics appropriate to those objectives. It’s a
            mechanism for synchronizing action.”

Research indicates that organizations that develop formal, written strategic marketing plans tend to be more tightly integrated across functional areas, more specialized, and more decentralized in decision making. The end result of these marketing plan efforts is improved financial and marketing performance.

This question also coincides with Exhibit 2.4 regarding the key obstacles to developing and implementing marketing plans. Students should note that lack of communication is the major stumbling block to effective marketing planning.

     4.   Identify and discuss the major problems associated with creating marketing plans. What are some potential ways that firms and managers can overcome these problems?

This question is based on Exhibit 2.4. Most students will focus on the fact that poor communication is the key obstacle in developing and implementing marketing plans. However, astute students will note that most of the factors in the exhibit are internal characteristics of an organization—most of them being based in the organization’s culture or management style. Consequently, most of these obstacles can be overcome by developing a culture that fully supports strategic planning. This might involve opening channels of communication, breaking down barriers among departments, employee training, top management commitment, and dedicating adequate time to the planning process.

     5.   Discuss the concept of balanced strategic planning and the approach outlined by the Balanced Performance Scorecard. What are the five common principles associated with implementing the balanced approach to strategic planning?

The shift to balanced strategic planning was born out of necessity. As the twenty-first century approached, firms realized that traditional planning and measurement approaches could not capture value created by the organization’s intangible assets. These assets—including such vital issues as customer relationships, processes, human resources, innovation, and information—were becoming increasingly important to business success, but they were not being reported through traditional financial measures.

The basic tenet of the balanced performance scorecard is that firms can achieve better performance if they align their strategic efforts by approaching strategy from four complementary perspectives: financial, customer, internal process, and learning and growth. The financial perspective is the traditional view of strategy and performance. This perspective is vital but should be balanced by the other components of the scorecard. The customer perspective looks at customer satisfaction metrics as a key indicator of firm performance, particularly as the firm moves ahead. Financial measures are not suited to this task because they report past performance rather than current performance. The internal process perspective focuses on the way that the business is running by looking at both mission-critical and routine processes that drive day-to-day activity. Finally, the learning and growth perspective focuses on people and includes such vital issues as corporate culture, employee training, communication, and knowledge management.

The five common principles associated with implementing the balanced approach to strategic planning are:

1.         Translate the strategy into operational terms. Successful firms can illustrate the cause-and-effect relationships that show how intangible assets are transformed into value for customers and other stakeholders. This provides a common frame of reference for all employees.

2.         Align the organization to strategy. Successful firms link different functional areas through common themes, priorities, and objectives. This creates synergy within the organization that ensures that all efforts are coordinated.

3.         Make strategy everyone’s everyday job. Successful firms move the strategy from the executive boardroom to the front lines of the organization. They do this through communication, education, allowing employees to set personal objectives, and tying incentives to the balanced scorecard.

4.         Make strategy a continual process. Successful firms hold regular meetings to review strategy performance. They also establish a process whereby the firm can learn and adapt as the strategy evolves.

5.         Mobilize change through executive leadership. Successful firms have committed energetic leaders who champion the strategy and the balanced scorecard. This ensures that the strategy maintains momentum. Good leaders also prevent the strategy from becoming an obstacle to future progress.

The balanced scorecard doesn’t refute the traditional approach to strategic planning. It does, however, caution business leaders to look at strategy and performance as a multidimensional issue. Financial measures, though important, simply cannot tell the whole story. One of the major benefits of the balanced scorecard is that it forces organizations to explicitly consider during strategy formulation those factors that are critical to strategy execution.