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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Digital Video Ad Format Guidelines from IAB

In order to simplify the digital video advertising buying and selling process, the Digital Video Committee of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has developed these guidelines and best practices for the most common current in-stream ad formats, including:

    Linear video ads
    Non-linear video ads
    Companion ads

These recommendations have been constructed for these ad formats in order to meet the following marketplace needs:

    More efficient operations through a common set of creative submission guidelines
    More efficient development of ads and players through minimum common creative guidelines, including click functionality and duration definitions
    Easier digital video ad buying across multiple sites through minimum common ad sizes for overlay and companion ads
    Better consumer understanding of ad interactions and environments through best practice recommendations for creative development and player environments

There are three types of recommendations contained in this document for each ad format:

    Ad Format guidelines
    Common creative submission recommendations
    Additional best practices

Publishers will be able to self-attest to the IAB for a compliance seal by adhering to these Ad Format Guidelines.  All other recommendations in this document should be considered best practices and should strongly be considered for adoption, but are not necessary for compliance.
- See more at:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laks,

    Thanks for your information it was useful and its relevant information what i was looking for..
